Embedding ImmerseMe into Classroom Practice and Curriculum Design

by Chloé Briand, Head of Languages (Melbourne, Australia) - 18 years language teaching experience


1. Learning continuum:

Students work from Pronunciation mode to Immersion mode (from introduction to spontaneity).

Picture 1.png

2. Introduction to students:

Start with pre-teaching activities focusing on Listening (thorough processing, sound recognition and sound discrimination).

All language items included in script should be drilled so that students are confident with producing the sounds required.

Use the play feature for each sentence to make them practise before attempting to complete the dialogues.

Picture 2.png

3. Pronunciation mode:

When they feel ready, students attempt to complete 1 full dialogue (possibility to extend higher ability students by completing all possible versions of dialogue).

Picture 3.png

4. Consolidation oral to written word: transition to Writing mode

Students switch to structured written production with scaffolding from spelling support to no support (according to students’ needs, further spelling practice can be included in between the 2 modes, and visual support can also be provided to assist in reaching further autonomy).

5. Writing mode:

Drill completed over several lessons to ensure maximum retention (visual support gradually removed if appropriate); translation provided as guidance supports students in consolidating automaticity of transfer across languages.

Picture 5.png

6. All round skill transfer: from Writing Mode to Translation Mode (oral)

Students transfer back to speech and translate sentences provided (can use the script at the start of lesson to refresh their memory; ability to pronounce words with accuracy is strengthened through repetition of cycle.

Picture 6.png

7. Autonomy and Spontaneity:

Students produce language on the spot through synthesizing all required elements provided and assembling them into an accurate sentence (mostly for higher ability students and/or students at the end of a module to check ability to produce language spontaneously).

Picture 7.png

8. Data Analysis to monitor student progression:

Check students’ accuracy sentence by sentence and check overall completion/accuracy: analyse for each student (i.e.: percentage completed along accuracy – did the student go slow and produce highly accurate language? Did they rush and miss out on a few key sentences? Did they manage to complete a full dialogue in one go? Did they break it down?) and use as personalised feedback.

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